Appreciate it enormously... Thank you so much for the beautiful canvas of the pic of my Sunset in Oz.... I will have happy memories of my beautiful trip every day when I wake's already on my bedroom wall.
Thanks for the excellent and quick service.
I will not hesitate to place more orders with you!
Once again thanks for keeping my memories alive!!
Appreciate it enormously...
Sue, | packaging Just wanted you to know the 4 pieces arrived safely.
The package went through hell but your packaging /shipping department did an excellent job packing/protecting the pieces.
Alkapon, | beautifully done. This handmade oil painting is beautifully done. I am thrilled with this and would accept this enthusiastically as the final product, unless you tell me that there is a way, at this point in the process to darken the entire image somewhat. I can offer no specific direction in this regard. Again, a remarkable insight of the painter.
Jeff, Miami | Hello to the Keenart Team, I just wanted to say thank you for orders. I had the chance to review each of the prints and you did an amazing job. The prints arrived in mint condition and were very well process. So thank you!
Always a pleasure working with you!
Mamood, |