Easy web site Easy web site, fast, quality, nice print, i do enjoy my prints! I\'m happy!
Mango, Quebec | EASY web interface Quality printing, super quick service EASY web interface...Great job!!!
Brian, Seattle | Metal prints, Dye-Sub services We're definitely impressed with the work from KeenArt, and our clients linger studying the images and buying them, of course, and are curious about the process (we have a description of the process of dye sublimation on the wall). Hopefully, we will be able to order another batch before the season closes down, but that all depends on how the covid virus behaves and affects our traffic.
Again thank you and we look forward to the last three images, which I see are being prepared for shipping.
Andy, | Return customer. Nice frames, great value! Simple intuitive website that makes it easy to order frames, and with liners. The liner joins could be a little tidier, but overall an excellent framing company that I will use again
Lorne Rothman, |